
  • 2024/3/3 Black Sacrifice 2024 出演
     Zero Dimensional Recordsが開催する日本国内ブラックメタル集会、"Black Sacrifice"が4年ぶりに復活。Yvonxheは3/3に行われる東京編に出演。共演はDark Fog Eruption (Nagano)、Lifeblood (Tokyo)、SWAZÖND (Tokyo)、Wyrms (France)。再会を分かち合おう。

    Zero Dimensional Records' "Black Sacrifice," a black metal gathering in Japan, is back after a four-year absence. Yvonxhe will perform at the Tokyo edition on 3/3 with Dark Fog Eruption (Nagano), Lifeblood (Tokyo), SWAZÖND (Tokyo), and Wyrms (France). Let's share the reunion.

  • 2022/3 スプリット作品『Reliquiae Quaternion』Yvonxhe歌詞掲載
     Zero Dimensional Recordsより2022年2月19日にリリースされたスプリット作品『Reliquiae Quaternion』.... これに着手した当初、Yvonxheは数年前から着手していた2ndアルバムに全てのアイデアを使い果たした状態だった。従って、次なる挑戦の一つとしてメンバーであるShit-Cho、Die-zine、Jirolianのそれぞれが「あえて」アルバムと異なる方向性を持つ楽曲を、一つずつ持ち寄る事にした。




     The split "Reliquiae Quaternion" was released on February 19, 2022 on Zero Dimensional Records: .... When Yvonxhe first started working on this, we had exhausted all ideas for his second album, which we had been working on for several years. Therefore, as one of the next challenges, each of the members, Shit-Cho, Die-zine, and Jirolian, bring one song that had a different direction from that of the album.
     As a result, although the concept of each song was different, we were able to reaffirm that we are all on the road towards one direction. Our lives are also very different from each other, but some of our mutual resonances have lived on for a long time. In the course of the production activities, we were reminded of their irreplaceable value.

     It was the first time for us that a virus had restricted our actions to such an extent. We saw not only the virus, but also structural poverty and interests, the peer pressure and self-responsibility of social communities, the dysfunction of international institutions in emergencies, eye-covering conspiracy theories and discriminatory ideologies caused by ignorance... a host of "non-viral problems." Yvonxhe began Compared to those days, this country, this world, has definitely gone wrong. Or have we finally realized now what we did not see?

     Life is secure and comfortable when we easily entrust our brains to the illusions created by mankind, e.g., nationalism and capitalism. A life in which one thinks and acts with one's own brain, rather than with rules and values programmed by someone else, is fraught with hardship.
     On the other hand, we are also aware of the contradiction that we live and produce daily thanks to the benefits of capitalism, which is the authority of illusion. To point out the contradiction and deny all illusions may also be safe and comfortable, but it will be accompanied by a great deal of hardship. We gain security, comfort, and hardship, respectively, through illusion.
     The only "reality" is what is happening right now in front of us.

    Our black metal is not fantasy, but reality.
     We once answered this in an interview given to us by the foreign media. That has not changed. Because it has not changed, the "reality" of today is heavy, dark, and shrouded. The lyrics are always personal, but these personal thoughts will also mirror society.
     Since the lyrics of these three songs will not appear on the split CD, we would like to record them here.

  • 2022/2
    Zero Dimensional Recordsより2/19にリリースされるスプリット作品『Reliquiae Quaternion』に参加しました。収録されている「Sublimated Contaminants」「Disgusting Euphoria」「Inorganic」の3曲は全てこのスプリットのために書き下ろされた新曲です。他の3バンドも、それぞれ特徴的で素晴らしい楽曲を奏でています。
    I participated in the split album "Reliquiae Quaternion", which will be released on February 19 from Zero Dimensional Records. All three songs on the album, "Sublimated Contaminants," "Disgusting Euphoria," and "Inorganic," are new songs written specifically for the split. Our second album, which we started working on in 2019, was unexpectedly difficult to produce, and although the recording is almost complete, it is not yet finished. The three songs on this split are composed from new sessions in 2021, and not from the recording sessions for the second album. The direction of the split is more experimental than the album. I will keep you all posted on any news after the release of the split.

  • 2019/12
    2017年より書き溜めてきたDEMO音源の中から12曲をセレクトし、2nd albumの録音を開始しました。
    we start recording 2nd album, it will be released in 2020.
    we want to see you again, happy new year.

  • 2018/12
    We upoloaded 2 movies, 2017 and 2018 show.
    Movie from 9th Sep,2017 "Black Sacrifice BESATT & FURIA Japan Tour 2017 >>Facebook Movie
    Movie from 18th Nov,2018 "funeral of cold and beautiful death.14" >> Facebook Movie

  • 2017/11
    BESATT & FURIA JAPAN TOUR 2017 -Black Sacrifice- 新大久保EARTHDOM公演
    MP3 Free Dowload from our setlist... >>>> ARCHIVES #4 (bandcamp)

  • 2017/09
    3LA-LongLegsLongArms Records-よりリリースされたコンピレーション作品『ろくろ』に
    新曲「Incessant Mournful Tale」で1曲参加しています。... >>>> 3LA
    >>INTERVIEW (2018)

  • 2017/08
    Our 5th Gig
    BESATT & FURIA JAPAN TOUR 2017 -Black Sacrifice-
    2017/09/09(SAT) at EARTHDOM (TOKYO)
    w/ Besatt (Poland), Furia (Poland), Combine (Ibaraki), Fatal Desolation (Sendai), Yvonxhe (Osaka / Tokyo)
    Start 18:00 // Ticket ADV:4,500yen / DOOR:5,500yen

    >>Black Sacrifice

  • 2017/05
    THIS GIFT IS A CURSE + SeeK Japan Tour横浜公演
    MP3 Free Dowload from our setlist... >>>> ARCHIVES #3

  • 2017/04
    Our 4th Gig
    THIS GIFT IS A CURSE + SeeK Japan Tour
    2017/04/16(SUN) at El Puente (Yokohama)
    w/ This Gift Is A Curse(SWE), SeeK, Fatal Desolation, Nostalgium, FILTHY HATE, YVONXHE
    Open 17:00 Start 17:30 // Ticket 2000

    大阪SeeKの招聘により来日するスウェーデンのThis Gift Is A Curseのツアー横浜場所をサポートします。
    Season of Mistと契約を果たし注目を集める彼らを至近距離で堪能できます。
    相模原よりdacota cafeもフード出店。

    >>This Gift Is A Curse Japan Tour詳細

  • 2016/02
    Our 3rd Gig
    Mortifera Japan Tour -Black Sacrifice-
    2016/02/07(SUN) at SOCORE FACTORY (OSAKA)
    w/ Mortifera, Cataplexy, Crucem, Yvonxhe
    Start 18:30 // Ticket 3500

    InQuistio Recordsより数量限定でカセット音源を販売開始します。
    >>Black Sacrifice

  • 2015/12
    Our 2nd gig was finished.
    you can download mp3 tracks from this show.
    >>ARCHIVES #2
    2015/12/12 @ Tokyo-Koiwa BushBash (Run Time 20:10)

  • 2015/09
    12月にInquistio Recordsと共同企画を行います。

    12/12(Sat) at 小岩BUSHBASH
    InQuistio Records+Yvonxhe presents
    "Funeral at the December Moor ~tragedy again~"
    start 17:00 // ticket 2000yen(+1drink)
    出演: Fatal Desolation, filthy hate, Fra Hedensk Tid, Miasma Death, umberlite, Yvonxhe

    今回は前回同様サポートギターにTatsuki氏(from umberlite)を迎え、
    1st demoからレコーディングでベースを担当しているPriest I.Q氏を加えた5人編成になります。
    チケットのご予約は info@yvonxhe.jp 、または各出演バンド、ライブハウスまで。

    Yvonxhe 2nd live set.
    additional guitar by tatsuki tomie from umberlite
    and, bass by Priest I.Q.
    12.12.2015 at Bushbash, Koiwa, Tokyo >> WEB

  • 2015/04
    ジャパニーズ・ブラックメタル・シーン特集の一環としてライターであるSakrifissが普通のメディアには掲載されないような多くの国内バンドへのインタビューを敢行しており、 原文はBLACK METAL JAPONAIS:D'A(BIGAIL) À Y(VONXHE)にフランス語/日本語がそれぞれ掲載されています。

    Interview by Sakrifiss from Thrashocore.
    Original French text from here: BLACK METAL JAPONAIS:D'A(BIGAIL) À Y(VONXHE)
    we uploaded English version >> Interview 2015(English ver)

  • 2015/03

    4/25(Sat) at 阿佐ヶ谷Studio Zot
    Su19b presents ''Bullshit Propaganda #8”
    start19:00 // ticket 1000yen(door only)
    出演: Su19b, Sithter, 94th6, umberlite

    近年世界規模で盛り上がりを見せるパワーバイオレンスにブラックメタル要素を融合させたサウンドで国内外で絶賛を受けている1stアルバム"The World Doomed to Violence"を発表した神奈川のSu19bの企画です。


    5/4(Mon) at 立川BABEL
    xdaichixhxc presents ''xSTAYHARDCOREx FEST vol.5''
    start 00:00 // ticket 2000yen/2500yen(ADV/DOOR)
    出演: TIGER, Vanishment This World, ANGAGEMENT, SLVM BAD BOYZ, END IN BLOOD, 明日の叙景, umberlite

    5/24(Sun) at 西荻窪FLAT
    cutthetension presents
    bluefriend, Asthenia, Fredelica, FRIENDSHIP, Goodbye Gangsters, Shut Your Mouth, umber lite

  • 2014/09
    Thanks people we met @ Nishi-Yokohama!
    MP3 Free Dowload from our setlist... >>>> ARCHIVES #1

  • 2014/05

    Yvonxhe 1st live set.
    additional guitar by tatsuki tomie from umberlite

    08.30.2014 at El Puente, Nishi-Yokohama, Kanagawa >> map
    "funeral of cold and beautiful death.8"
    with/ Ampulheta,Apologist,Fra Hedensk Tid,Lurking Fear,カルマ納骨堂

  • 2014/04
    "Multicolored Libricide"EP、Zero Dimensional Recordsより4月16日リリースとなります。
    New EP"Multicolored Libricide" out!!
    Zero Dimensional Records

  • 2014/01
    リリース日、内容についてはZero Dimensional Recordsからの情報をお待ちください。
    We have done mastering New EP.
    please wait for informarion will be announced by Zero Dimensional Records

  • 2013/07
    We started new recordings for next EP.

  • 2012/11
    エストニアのヘヴィメタル専門誌Plakk Magazineからインタビューを受けました。
    Interview by Plakk Magazine, Estonian Heavy Metal Magazine.
    You can read English version >> here